I was looking for a compact nappy bag that looked simple/unisex and had asked for this on my baby registry. This bag fit the bill and it is quite spacious inside. The option for it to be worn over the shoulder has been great for on the go. Unfortunately it is not without some design flaws. The lack of padding on the straps when worn as a backpack make it quite uncomfortable to wear for long periods. Also, when the bag is filled it seems to tip backwards away from my back. I've had to tighten the straps everytime to get a close fit to avoid shoulder pain. The stroller straps barely fit over my stroller handle so I don't bother using it often. The velcro used inside the bag is oddly quite strong so clothes have snagged/been damaged when brushed against it. Overall the bag is just okay and I still use it for its style. I have received compliments on it but I wouldn't buy again or recommend.